sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014


MoYou London - Sailor Collection 07

Easy Paris 02        Leticia Well 29

Espero que tenham gostado
I hope you  enjoyed

Ana Mendes

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2014


"Os nossos novos produtos incluem diferentes tipos de jóias, todas feitas em bronze, onde pode carimbar os seus carimbos favoritos MoYou-Londres para coincidir com as suas unhas!"

"Our new products include different types of jewellery, all made of brass, on which you can stamp your favourite MoYou-London designs to match your nails!"

Você pode comprar: 

- Um conjunto de brincos (inclui 1 par de brincos ). 

- Um pendente  (inclui uma corrente de colar).

You can buy:

- A set of Earrings (include 1 pair of earrings findings).

- A Necklace pendent (includes 1 necklace chain). 

Como usar: 

1) Aplique uma camada de verniz diretamente sobre as jóias como uma cor base. 
2) Deixe secar e depois carimbe seus projetos no topo. Você pode usar fita adesiva para criar uma barreira entre cores diferentes. 
3) Accessorize com brilhos . 
4) Aplique uma camada de Top Coat para um resultado mais duradouro.

How to use: 

1) Apply a layer of nail polish directly on the jewellery as a base colour. 

2) Let it dry and then stamp your designs on top. You can use sellotape to create a barrier 
between different colours. 

3) Accessorise it with glitters / rhinestones. 

4) Apply a layer of Top Coat for a longer lasting result. 

MoYou-London Jewellery will available for sale and dispatch from Friday the 17th of January.

Espero que tenham gostado
I hope you  enjoyed

Ana Mendes

sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

The Tourist Collection / MoYou London

Say hi to Kira , she is always on the move.. 
This time Kira visits Sydney-Australia and Madrid-Spain.

These plates will be available on the site this coming Friday on the 22nd of November. 

Espero que tenham gostado
I hope you  enjoyed

Ana Mendes

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013


Boa pigmentação e cobertura

Good pigmentation and coverage

2 camadas

2 layers

Demora a secar

Takes to dry

Espero que tenham gostado
I hope you  enjoyed

Ana Mendes

quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2013

MoYou-London / Explorer Collection / New Release

<<<<< The Explorer Collection >>>>>  
"Meet Nora , she likes to explore stuff
Christopher Columbus suggested that riches don't make a man richer, they just make him more busy.. 
That's why Nora likes to explore new cultures rather then running for mayor:)  

This collection is dedicated to Mel & Lisa > the cool Australian sisters from Adventures in Stamping Group who gave us this great direction.
Hale to them!"

"These plates will be available on the site this coming Friday on the 15th of November. 
They will be marked as Pre Sale > and will be shipped on the first week of December.
This collection will have many more plates added to it in the near future. In addition, all XL images (1.5cm on 2cm) will be soon available in our regular 1.2cm on 1.5cm size. "

Espero que tenham gostado
I hope you  enjoyed

Ana Mendes